Monday, March 29, 2010

a note on being happy

Recently I was told something very interesting. Probably the most interesting part was that it was hardly interesting at the time, but I just kept thinking and thinking about it. So, anyways, I was told that this person was raised to believe that the life of a Christian is always supposed to be happy and cheerful and non-depressing because, after all, you're saved and your sins are forgiven you. I kinda laughed at this in my head and then I started thinking about it. That's when things always start going South, isn't it? When I start thinking about things. Anyways, I started thinking about how this is exactly how Christians are raised today: be happy. Be happy even if it means some sort of cheesy smile to get you through the day. Just, be happy.
Do you know how disturbing I find all of this? If I recall correctly Jesus wasn't exactly "happy" about dying on the cross. In Luke 22 He says "'...yet not my will, but yours be done'". Jesus Christ is the perfect example and He wasn't "happy" as we think of it today--what feels good or pleases yourself. That's not what Christ had in mind at all. His joy rested on what God wanted for Him.
When I started thinking about this, I realized that it kinda turned our culture upside down a bit. But, you know what, it's something more than just "being happy". In fact, I don't think it's about something as shallow as "happy" at all. Dude, this is about joy in Christ. Not in yourself, your family, your life or anything else (even including the fact that some lucky people get two spring breaks. Ah, the bliss...). The hardest part about all of this, I find, is that joy in Christ doesn't always equal personal happiness.

/sigh/ I will just stop being happy now, I guess. /sigh/


  1. Yeah, stop being happy because you're such a cheerful person. Geez.
    I think we're supposed to give up our life to Christ, stop following our agenda, and be truly joyful about follow His agenda for us. :)
    You should post some of your stories sometime. Thanks for posting something though. :D I like reading this blog.

  2. I post to slowly nod my head in agreement, contemplatively adding, "yep...". I'm constantly going through times of discouragement and general downness, to the point where I'm struggling against self-pity. Yet... I still feel and know the joy of Christ.

    And it seems to be that this joy is more commonly experienced in times of downness, or in recovery of this downness... I've only recently been learning to *really* live in the joy of Christ during the times when things are looking up. But maybe I just said that in an attempt to make a profound addition to the general train of thought, and it is in actuality an absurd and false observation.

  3. Exactly Jordan. Except in fewer words. Now I am bitter.
    Just kidding.

    Now that I think about it, I wish that I had said something about joy being more...joyful? in times of downness. Although, if I did now people would look at the comments and know that I was copying Samuel. So, I won't. :)

  4. Yeah, Aly- you should post your stories like Jor said. :) Would love reading them.


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